Interesting solution you have come up with here, however, thinking validation versus functionality here, this is the same idea of a 'catch-all' handling, however, I am not sure that your script linked to this can give both on-click and on key press to the user can it?

If so I would love to see an example of your code, or even better in a working page somewhere :)

Earlier posts gave notes on why onkeypress is undesirable for people who navigate with keyboards, so I won't address that.

A working, valid, example and tutorial on how to markup your link for xhtml-valid new windows and use javascript to apply behavior is here:

I suspect his code would be better if it attached an onclick handler instead of modifying the attribute (the valid DOM attribute, not the invalid xhtml attribute).


        Ben Curtis
        WebSciences International
        v: (310) 478-6648
        f: (310) 235-2067

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