I was able to achieve the border on my right column with adding a border to by 
bgimage, thanks Mani. One problem I am having though. I have a header image 
that is exactly 800px, so I want my whole page to be no more than 800px wide. I 
have set my #wrapper to 800px. In IE my right column overlaps the header to the 
right a little bit. It doesn't do this in moz, ff, netscape. Is there way to 
compensate for this IE irregularity? (no padding or margin on wrapper)

Bruce Gilbert

-----Original Message-----
From: Mani Sheriar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Dec 17, 2004 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] The Holy Grail ... CSS Liquid Three-Column Layout

>what if you want one of the columns to have a border around it, say the
right column. How can this be done?

If you want one of the columns to have a border, then you just apply the
border property to the column and your 200x1 pixel gif can have that
border on it as well.  Should work fine.

One of the main reasons that I struggled to create this layout is so
that you could have different colors for the background, header, footer,
and all three columns (none of the colors are "shining through" from
underlying elements).  This can be extended to different backgrounds as
well ... which is the REAL reason that I worked on this design.  If you
wanted some sort of fancy background for the side columns (or any
element) then you would just apply that background to the column and the
wrapper div.

>IE 5.2 OS X (Mac): extra padding added to the width of the left and
right columns
>Screenshot: http://www.motive.co.nz/temp/041217-hoygrail.gif
>(could be a known CSS bug related to IE implementation of box
model-padding and border added to width)
>See: http://tantek.com/CSS/Examples/boxmodelhack.html

Call for help:

Does anyone have any ideas about this problem in IE 5.2 OS X
(screenshot: http://www.motive.co.nz/temp/041217-hoygrail.gif). I have
already implemented the box model hack, so I'm not sure what the issue
could be.

> Anyone come up with, or implemented, a 3-column layout of this sort in
which the left and right columns also stretch as a percentage of the
page width?

>I haven't tried it yet, but one theory is to make the background
repeater very long (horizontally), and set it to repeat-y, but set its
"x-axis" start position as a percentage. I haven't tried it yet, but one
theory is to make the background repeater very long (horizontally), and
set it to repeat-y, but set its "x-axis" start position as a percentage.

I actually started working on an all-liquid layout at first. I ended up
going to a single-column liquid layout just because this would work
better for a project I'm about to embark on.  What you suggest is
exactly how I planned to try to implement the backgrounds (I didn't get
that far yet, though). However, I might try to follow up on the
all-liquid layout just to see if it can be done.  If I get to it and get
it to work, I'll post it here.

Quick Note:

Dejan - Wow ... THANK YOU for your help.  I'm sure those screen shots
will be very helpful and I really appreciate your time.

Mani Sheriar
Sheriar Designs | www.ManiSheriar.com

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