Well put. For the record, my "I'm not worthy" comment was merely my manner of speech and should not, of course, be taken literally. Everybody was "wowing" -- I chose to say something different.

Yes, I was (and am) very impressed.

Dr. Zeus Web Development
"content without clutter"

on 12/18/2004 11:34 AM J4Web said the following:
A recent survey in my imagination revealed that:

99% of people don't go "wow" because, not having the experience of attempting to build anything remotely like it, they don't see how clever it is.

Half the rest go "wow" because, having experience, they see it is clever, but don't quite understand the technique, and are thus "impressed". (That was me).

The other 0.5% (including you; congratulations!) see it is clever, and can surmise the technique, and thus give it credit as cutting-edge, but not to the extent of a "wow".

And now I understand it, even how the light was done.


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