
My site is http://www.dotradio.uni.cc. What can I do to improve my
site? Is there anything wrong with it? Thanks for your help.

Validate, fix, validate, fix, validate, ...

You might start by changing the Doctype to HTML 4.01 Transitional and fix the 19 errors (as opposed to 154 with the XHTML1.0 strict DTD you currently use on the home page).

Once you've fixed those 19 errors, look at updating the site to HTML 4.01 Strict by removing all presentational attributes and making more use of CSS (but don't specify font sizes in pixels like you have - cannot be enlarged on MSIE).

Beyond that, replace the nested tables with more structural markup and (optionally) update it to XHTML1.0 Strict.

Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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