The url given has a valid html4 button, but the doctype of the page itself is xhtml 1.0 transitional. The markup is nothing like xhtml, but the validator keeps trying to validate it as xhtml because the doctype says so. If you cant change your markup to xhtml, it would be easier to change your doctype and start validating the page as html 4 instead. I redid my own site 6 months ago, and moved from non valid html 4 to valid xhtml strict. It required a complete rewrite of the entire page structure to do this, and I fear that this page may well require the same treatment. Also the style colors are mostly all very dark and unreadable, imho. Perhaps at least one light, readable style choice would be worth consideration?

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 09:46:27 -0500, Anthony Timberlake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My site is  What can I do to improve my
site?  Is there anything wrong with it?  Thanks for your help.

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