If i may be so bold as to blow my own trumpet for a minute:

"the lovely molly holzschlag gets a makeover courtesy of redux, stylist
to the stars.

the new look was actually created quite a long time ago (see for
instance my PNG image replacement experiment
http://www.splintered.co.uk/experiments/19/ which was a result of some
early work on the site back in february), but due to our busy schedules,
it's taken a while to finally get it live. currently, only the
(wordpress powered) homepage sports the new look, but the rest of the
site is to follow suit shortly.

as with everything, i now look back at the CSS and can think of six ways
of doing certain things differently...but i'm pleased with the overall
effect. a few more tweaks and then it'll be just magic."

One fairly major issue I'd like Molly to change is the link hover color:
in my original design, hover/focus/active was simply reversed (white
text on blue), but the new acid green is just very difficult to read
(and yes, some of the subtler colours may just need bumping up a bit
more to get more contrast) - but it's not bad to finally see it live
nonetheless (including most of my suggested changes to the structural

Ok, enough self promotion...

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford


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