I understand that the list is dedicated to CSS but as Standard Group I
presume someone can answer my DOM question.

I search evrywhere on the web, I read books, I make many test using the w3c
specification and the fireFox information but It seems that it is
impossible to be done.
As I know that people on this list are usually very uptodate with standard
and w3c specification maybe someone has the answer

I am trying to create an Event to add it to a html tag.  I thought that the
answer was createEvent("MouseEvents") but it was not the case. createEvent
doesn't work the same way as a createElement.  It simulate an event but
don't write the event.

What I am looking for is a function wich has the ability to write the event
as such:
el=CreateEvent ("mousedown")

and the result must be as such  <div id="mydiv" onmousedown="abc(x,y,z)">

addEventListener doesn't help me because we can not add the function
(this) and if we made a save of the complete page we see that the event was
not written. In the case of createElement the object would have been
written in the page.  The other problem with addEventListener, it executes
once we call it.

I know that for the Java DOM  there is object.setEvent("onclick", "abc(this") )

would someone have an Idea

Thanks in advance

happy hollidays


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