Hello Group.  Happy New Year!

I have a site that just went live: http://www.willlange.com/. There are 5 pages that have external links that cause the page not to validate. These links are called into an iFrame to give search results for real estate product. In the past when I have had this problem with external links, I've used URL Cleaner: http://automaticlabs.com/products/urlcleaner/ to clean up the code and then validate the pages. The problem I'm having now is the URL Cleaner doesn't even help because it causes errors with the search results. What do I do at this point? Is there a way to fix the problem or do I have to admit defeat and have 5 pages that don't validate? The latter annoys me.

Here is one of the pages as an example (all 5 pages have the same links so fixing one will do the trick):


Shane Helm

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