Mani Sheriar wrote:

Hi All,

I have made another CSS Zen Garden design ... after doing my first one I
just couldn't help myself - I was bit by the bug! (By the way, the
second time around was sooooooo much easier!)

Anyway, I was wondering if any of you might care to check it out and
offer me any feedback on the design, especially if there are any
problems on certain browsers. (But nice feedback about how much you like
it and how well it works is always welcomed too.) ;~)

Take a gander at it here:

Thanks a bunch!

Mani Sheriar
Sheriar Designs |

One suggestion would be to add space around the bottom of the main container to match the space at the top. Maybe even add another flower background image to the bottom or bottom corner? But these are just style suggestions, nothing technically (css/browser) wrong with the current design (that I can see).
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