> I had a pleasant surprise this morning when I saw this redesign.  Good to
> see another big site making the effort.

Mmm, I had a pleasant surprise; followed by disappointment; followed
by a rude shock; followed by sustained aggravation.

Pleasant surprise: hey, looks nice.

Disappointment: not a single heading tag, paragraph or unordered list
to be found.

Rude shock: crashes Opera. Restart Opera - crashes instantly. Have to
lose the other windows as well to get back to the site. Hope the error
does not reoccur.

Sustained aggravation: They've included a time-based REFRESH on their
feedback page. So if you take more than a couple of minutes to give
real feedback, the page reloads and you lose the information you are
trying to send to them. They got my short, cranky third attempt :)

Looks to me like cargo cult standards - they know they're supposed to
use CSS, but they don't actually know why. Which is how you get <a
href="blah" class="h1">

--- <http://cheshrkat.blogspot.com/>
--- The future has arrived; it's just not 
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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