On 26 Jan 2005, at 5:28 pm, Bert Doorn wrote:

Safari then is not as standards compliant as Mozilla/Firefox and Opera, at least in this instance:


Indeed, it is not, in this and some other small things - which is why I'd never send application/xhtml+xml to WebKit browsers (Safari, Omniweb,....) at the moment.

My interpretation: id and class are case sensitive in HTML. For these attributes, CSS is also case sensitive. if that interpretation is correct, perhaps Apple ought to be told :-)

I suspect that they know that already for quite a while (and after replying to your message, I did send a reminder)...;-)

Still, it can be overcome by combining with * html - see test page at http://www.bwdzine.com/dev/CSSTest/

Indeed, that would work. Still, sometimes I like to include those 'weird' hacks, a bit of ASCII art is not bad to brighten a style sheet :-)

Philippe Wittenbergh
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