I've never used a snapshop service, but it seems an un-necessary
expenditure. You can easily test all PC variations. I've got the latest
versions of Opera, Firefox (and Mozilla); all flavors of Netscape (4.x
- 7.0); and IE 4 - 6 on my PCs at home and work.

There is a handy tutorial for how to install multiple versions of IE.
Check these out:

Only thing left is the Mac quotient. I've got access to a couple at
work, so that's easy, and someone else pointed to the Mac Mini. I'm
seriously thinking of getting one for home for just this purpose (among
other purposes).

Tim W.

 >>>Justin Thorp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 7:56 AM said:
>>>>In my office we are currently using a browser snapshot service to
>>>>take a look at what a web site in a variety of older browsers and
>>>>computer configurations. It is very convenient because in about 5
>>>>minutes I can get a good feel for what a web site looks like in
>>>>about every configuration of browser.
>>>Which one is it that you are currently using?

~ Tim

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