On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 10:14:04 +1100, Ryan Sabir wrote:
> Does anyone have a definitive answer on whether search engines take
> any notice of CSS?

If you examine your log files, you will find that Googlebot et al never 
call for your css file.
Thus they are not viewing it, and not using it to determine the site.

> We have known for a long time that is you have a text coloured the
> same as its background then search engines will consider this as an
> attempt to fool them, and lower your pages ranking... but what about
> doing the same thing with CSS?

They are reliant on people reporting sites for this.
> We are always told
> the search engines pay respect to markup, so then this H1 content
> would be given high relevance.

No, not particularly - the search engines dont seem to be semantic at 

> I've been searching around for an answer to this and many people are
> saying 'maybe' Google does read your css. Does anyone know this for a
> fact?

If the log files dont show them loading it then they dont have the data 
to analyse it.

Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems - I Understand the Internet <http://elysiansystems.com/>
Search Engine Optimisation, Usability, Information Architecture, Web 
Brisbane, Australia
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