designer wrote:

- Speed Development

Hey - she'll be expecting me to reduce my prices next year! :-)

If you're pricing is time based, reducing the amount of time spent on coding could mean that you increase the time you spend on design, IA, SEO and other activities that provide the client with a better ROI.

If your pricing is value based, it's good for the client because they will get their site 2 weeks earlier, meaning tow weeks extra benefit and two weeks less of their precious time wasted.

- Simplify Maintenance, Increase Opportunity


Ditto above.

Time based - spend more time on things that provide a greater ROI.
Value based - their site is down for shorter lengths of time and can react quicker to market changes

- Open Up Access Options


- Reduce Bandwidth Costs

Not relevant - small site, with folk increasingly being on a high speed
line. Here in UK (where it's called Broadband) the user pays a standard fee,
no matter how much/how long he/she uses it. (that's for small/simple sites,
of course)

This is about how much your hosting company charges your client, not how much the site visitors ISP's charge. Hosts will often charge £X over the YGB they give with their standard package. For most sites this isn't an issue but it is for popular sites.

- Improve User Experience

How? Speed? Broadband again - makes it MUCH less of an issue.

Download times still do matter, even if you're on broadband. Also the more people that get broadband the more contention issues will come into play.

However more than actual download speed is perceived download speed. Slow and unresponsive pages can often be down to rendering as much as they can actual download speed. In my experience, (and this is far from scientific) sites using CSS for layout appear to render faster than nested table layouts.

Turning that on it's head, what's left for a client to get excited about?

Fats loading, accessible pages that Google will love. Supplier independence, easier maintenance and faster time to market.

Andy Budd

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