I am still struggling with the list indenting, I have started building
my page from scratch piece by piece and it seems when I change the
position attribute from absolute to relative the list indents, anyone
ever come across this before ?

Page for reference: http://www.speakupnow.ca/wu/index1.php


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Vicki Berry
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 3:25 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] List Indenting

Hi Paul,

Ah, gotcha now.  I wasn't seeing the problem as I was viewing in
Firefox. Safari is fine, it's just MacIE.

It's nearly 3am here and I'm battling to stay awake, but I had started
to play with your code.  Floating the ul left removes the problem with
the list, but causes other problems. :-\  I'm going to call it a night
now... hopefully someone else will spot the solution soon!  Good luck
with it... I totally understand the frustration.  :-(

Vicki.  :-)

Paul wrote:

> Thanks Vicki I will take a look at those margins but the problem I am 
> currently after is only happening when I view on a MAC, the links in 
> the body, everything after the 1st link indents 20-30 px to the 
> right....very frustrating.

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