> >Your problem occurs when you have the border-top: 0; after the border
> >statement.

>Is this a Gecko bug, I wonder?

I doubt it, more likely that border-top:0; is incorrect use of the
shorthand property.
'border-top' is supposed to receive 3 values, border-top-width is what
you would use to set the height to 0.
While it doesn't state either way in the W3C docs, it is my belief
that using '0' for a shorthand property which expects strings (eg: 3px
solid gray; as opposed to :1.5em 2em 1em 4em; for padding, margin or
border-width) is a practice worthy of stearing clear.
border:none; does the same thing, but in a string format.

Much like you could use 'none' as the sole value of the list-style
shorthand property.

Personal preference, but you wouldn't have lost any sleep if you had
used 'none' in the first place ;)

You should also note that using a shorthand declaration without
declaring all values will reset the undeclared values to their
defaults. Here's an example from the CSS2 Rec.:

>  border-color: red;
>  border-left: double;
>  color: black
>In the above example, the color of the left border is black, while
the other borders are red. >This is due to 'border-left' setting the
width, style, and color. Since the color value is not >given by the
'border-left' property, it will be taken from the 'color' property.
The fact that the >'color' property is set after the 'border-left'
property is not relevant.

That's another thing you wouldn't have to worry about if you used
border:none; instead of border:0;


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