Andrew Krespanis wrote:
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 20:21:58 -0000, Kornel Lesinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

No... he used word "compatibility",
which means that all bugs must remain untouched.

Here's a quote from the press release:
"Internet Explorer 7.0, designed to add new levels of security to
Windows XP SP2 while maintaining the level of extensibility and
compatibility that customers have come to expect."

Sounds like the bugs are staying -- "maintain compatibility" is
synonomous with "leave the bugs alone" in MS terms :(

Possibly. But what about DocType overriding?

They can correct CSS2.1 handling for strict and XHTML doctypes whilst maintaining non-compliant sites who continue to use the HTML4.01 (and prev) DTDs.

Of course, adding support for the "application/xhtml+xml" MIME-type wouldn't do any harm.

-David R
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