I'm not including it as a link, so people are going to have to copy and paste it anyways.  I'm including a form on the page so that those who want to contact me directly, can.

And Mike, just email me at this address, thanks :-)

Patrick Lauke wrote:
Alan Trick
The number of people who will ever see the invisible text is pretty 
small and I think it's pretty self explanitory how to get the address 
out of there if their UA doesn't support 'display:none'.

The problem is not UA (browser, in this case) support for display:none;
it's the extra step that you're now requiring from users when they hit a
mailto link and have to go back to manually edit the email address. This
may become an issue for users with cognitive disabilities, or even those
of us who are in a rush and don't pay too close attention to the "to"
field after clicking said link.


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