What you may want to do is insted of the displaying that logo, use the smaller ones, like the ones at the bottom of this (http://plone.org/) page.

Also, this is off-topic, but the page displays an 'Invalid Security' image with a link to http://www.statcounter.com/ when javascript is turned off.

designer wrote:


Until recently, my feelings were precisely as expressed in your third

However, I just upgraded a website for a holiday business, and I explained
to the owner that it was now done to standards and all that stuff. It meant
zero to her, but at least she could appreciate that she/they were getting
'something extra', to the point, in fact, that she expressed the great
desire to display some recognition of this fact actually on the site. I
explained about the logos and their presence/visibility on the site was
insisted upon!

I presume this was because they may produce a sense of 'one-upmanship on the
competition, or maybe just to advertise a quality thing. I dunno.

You can see what I did at www.raintreehouse.co.uk - they are on p2. You'll
notice that I didn't actually make the logos a link, because that would be
pushing geekiness too far. Perhaps we need a simple page to link to,
explaining what standards are for, in terms that the non-tech viewer can

Just thinking out loud, really . . .

Bob McClelland,
Cornwall (U.K.)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Stevio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Web Standards Group" <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org>
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 4:59 PM
Subject: [WSG] To display or not to display validation logos?

I am just about to complete a new site for a client, and I have coded it
according to XHTML 1.0 strict guidelines. I am also using validated CSS.


you think it is worth displaying the W3C compliance logos at the bottom?

Here is the web site:
(let me know what you think!)

The web site is to do with personal fitness training. Neither the client


the majority of site visitors would know what these logos mean so is there
much point in displaying them?


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