Genau Lopes Jr. wrote:

I am developing some different advertising and would like to know, how can i create a slide layer that appears on righr side of browser, only when the screen resolution is more than 1024x768 pixels.

My layer should be 150 px x 600 and will be layered at right side of the page.

Can anyone help me how can i, make this using WebStandards and some Javascript?

<style type="text/css">
#adpane {
   display: none;
   width: 150px;
   height: 600px;
   float: right;
#maincontent {
   margin-right: 0;
<script language="ECMAScript" type="text/javascript">
document.onload = Function {
   if window.width > 1024 && window.height > 1024 {
     document.GetElementByID("adpane").style.display = "block";
     document.GetElementByID("maincontent").style.margin-right = "175px";
<div id="container">

<div id="adpane">
    <img src="your/advert/file.png" alt="Alternate Text" />

<div id="maincontent">
    <p>Lorem Ipsum</p>


Should do it...

Although I was a bit sketchy on the ECMA DOM, you might want to get it checked with someone who knows it better than me (ie: anyone ;) )
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