On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 10:54:54 +1100, Seona Bellamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of David Laakso

the fonts are much too small, that they go a little goofy on zoom in IE,
Is that a great deal larger than what you get? And I'm not entirely sure
what you mean about them going goofy on zoom. What happens exactly?
that the layout breaks on zoom in IE accessibility mode, and that
My error. The font-size is fine cross-browser in XP, as well as with zoom without breaking the layout, in accessibility mode in IE(so much for nit-picking after 12 hours on a 1280 LCD). On a couple of pages, web.html in particular, the line length is very long (1125px) when viewed in a 1280 monitor.
there's no available horizontal navigation available when images are disabled in
FF, or Opera.
The bottom horizontal text links are available for navigation when the images are disabled-- it's that there's no top h-navigation.
And it's a long, long, scroll to get to the content in Lynx.
My bad again-- more my error, than your problem
That's true. I'm not sure how else to manage it though.Also, you may notice that in the IE screenshot above, there's a white space between the top bar with the navigation and the next bar with the banner. I can't figure out how to make it go away. If anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
Once again, site is at:

Best, David

de gustibus non est disputandum

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