Hi Russ

Thanks very much for your reply.

> The most powerful way to achieve this (but not supported by IE) would be to
> use adjacent sibling selectors so no classes were used at all. For example:
> #subnav ul li, #subnav ul li + li { background: yellow; }
> #subnav ul li + li + li, #subnav ul li + li + li + li { background: green; }

Good ol' IE - oh well, we can only hope IE7 is an improvement!

> These could then be hidden with a CSS rule along the lines of:
> ..descriptive-only { position: absolute; left: -999px; width: 990px;}

Great idea.

I have subsequently used display: none; on the headers. Is this OK, or would 
you recommend your
suggestion as being more standards-based?

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