Carol Doersom wrote:
Is there a standards compliant way to force NS4 to put some space between items in my html...besides adding otherwise unneeded <br />s after images and links, or wrapping them in <p>s? I've noticed that it does not put any space between <div>s.

Unless I'm missing something, it behaves like any other browser. If you have

<div>something else</div>

the spacing in NN4.7 is exactly the same as in Firefox.
In any case, simple css margin seems to work as expected

div { margin-bottom: 2em; }

or whatever.

Also, is there a way to prevent NS4 from putting big ugly blue borders around images that are links?

If NN4 is still among the browsers you want to support visually, I'd recommend sticking with HTML4 or XHTML1.0 transitional, and still adding the border attribute (which is deprecated, but still valid) on the image.

<img src="blah.jpg" alt="blah" border="0" />

-- Patrick H. Lauke _____________________________________________________ re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively [latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |

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