I have valid XHTML
Please, validate your XML document first!
Line 2
Column 6
The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.
I have both XHTML and CSS valid, but CSS Validator dont think so :( Whats my
We use PHP to render XML prolog and DOCTYPE, and we use PHP sessions.

XHTML served as text/html is valid with the <?xml> prologue optional. XML documents must have the <?xml> prologue.

Your CSS validation error claims that you should validate your XML document. Obviously, then, it believes your *xml* is flawed, even if your *xhtml* is ok.

The problem is likely a PHP quirk: newlines immediately after closing PHP compilation markers ("?>") are trimmed. So this code:

        Hello, <?php
                // some stuff

...will output this text:

        Hello, Bob.

...and not this:


Thus, your doctype is on the same line as your prologue, and your prologue it on the second line when it must be on the first. Hope that helps.


   Ben Curtis : webwright
   bivia : a personal web studio
   v : 818 507 6613

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