Thanks, Michael,

Where do I find that information, so I can back up the assertion when I talk with the hosting provider?

Thank you!

Leslie Riggs

This is because your webserver is outputting: Content-Type: text/plain and not: Content-Type: text/css
For your CSS file.

IE doesn't care, but most other stuff does. Nothing wrong with your CSS. It is 
a web server configuration problem.

----- Original Message -----
From: Leslie Riggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue,  5 Apr 2005 14:35:12 +1000
Subject: [WSG] Really strange results

In some browsers, the test page I have put up renders fine: namely, IE Mac, Safari on Mac, IE6 on PC. However, Firefox, Opera, Mozilla and Netscape don't seem to see the stylesheet.

Both HTML and CSS validated fine through the W3C site.

I am really having a difficult time understanding why some browsers see the stylesheet, while others don't?

The link to the page:

CSS is at

This is the first time I've encountered this situation, so anyone who can point me in the right direction, I would be very much obliged.


Leslie Riggs

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