designer wrote:

Ladies and gentlemen,

I have been trying to produce a gallery thing without using a table, and my
test file has four images in a vertical column. It all seems fine, except in
FF1.0, where the second and fourth images display several dashed lines
across the image. (on the face of it, they are all the same) If I refresh
the page the lines disappear, but on scrolling they come back again. No
other browser (by which I mean IE6 and 5.5, Opera, Mozilla) displays this
problem.  The file in question (which includes the CSS as yet) is at:

If anyone could take a look and advise I'd be really grateful, as it's
driving me nuts. The CSS is simple - the soln isn't.  I'm using winXP and a
Matrox graphics card (which may or may not be relevant, of course). I have
also looked at this on two pc's . . .

Thank you,

Bob McClelland,
Cornwall (U.K.)

Looks just fine to me...Win XP on FF and IE with NVidia 6600. I have a new/fast computer....however, I've seen this problem on older computers like my win98 with FF.


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