Neerav schrieb:
Theoretical example 1: we used to design for 5.x browsers but recently stopped doing so without charging clients an extra XX%

That is what we do now. I add an import filter (and document it) so that IE 4.0-5.0/Win and IE4.0-5.x/Mac and NN 4.x ignore imported styles:


If a client really want to support look and feel for these old browsers we will charge extra. (Accessibility level A is always included.)

The only problem are browsers with partially broken CSS support that we cannot filter out without side effects (or filtering is too tricky).

In general I do my best to support:

Moz 1+
IE 5.5+
Opera 7+
Safari 1+
Konqueror 3.3+.
(and browsers based on the browsers above)

The detailed browser support level depends on the project, though.

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