Cole Kuryakin - x7m wrote:
My plan is to get them completely compeletely trained in these areas
 before letting them dive into any real project development.

A few thoughts about basic learning:

No books and training-methods can beat the time-factor. The
learning-curve is steep, and no one can focus well on one subject for
more than a few hours (3-5h). Anything more than that is either routine
(which they don't have), or a complete waste of time.

Make room for plenty of positive distractions/breaks (walk in the park
or whatever). Let them be in control of how they use their
working-hours, while you stay in control of the overall working-day.
Organize well, but leave the details out. They will probably not be able
to stay better organized than you are, so be what you preach.

Creating PhotoShop-lookalikes is not very useful as a first stage.
Better give them some real content, and make them organize it for the
web -- semantically. Design should come later, so even CSS may be left
out (more or less) in the beginning. If it doesn't work without CSS,
then CSS won't help much anyway.

Keep them away from anything that isn't strictly standard-based (x)html
and CSS for a while. Let them work and test against real browsers and
the validators, and make sure IE/win doesn't get in the way with its
broken standard-support and tag-soup recovery.

Good luck -- you're gonna need it :-)

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