Hi Kim,

I’ve opened your page in IE for Mac, versions 5.0 and 5.1.7 and it seems exactly equal to what I see in Firefox on Windows. Do you want me to send a printscreen to your email?



Kim Kruse wrote:

Hi Josef,

Have you looked at the page? I'm using @import and I'm *only* having problems with one particular OS... Mac OS9 and IE5X! AFAIK the page looks fine on all other browser/OS.

Regarding the "hint". Isn't it so that if you put a "this page is best view or Update your browser... or worse OS then the page becomes inaccessible by definition. Right? The rapport I've got tells me that the background in the sidebar get "painted" with huge chunks of yellow blocks. It's not so you can't use the site... it just don't look right. If there is a cure I would love to hear about it. Otherwise I'll leave it and hope I don't get visitors with that OS/browser combo.

I'm sorry for the rather harsh reply but I think this is a list where accessibility plays a big role so I really don't understand these replys suggesting that I put a "sign" on my page.


Josef Dunne wrote:

Well of course I'd make the site degrade gracefully in IE on a Mac, id
use the @import reference so that older browsers would just render the
content, im all for web standards, but if you are having major problems
with IE on a Mac, which a lot of developers do have, then id say just
render the content and don't even let IE Mac render the CSS. Plus hint
to the user of that browser, that there are better modern browsers out
there. I mean at the end of the day, we want to all make accessible
websites. Don't we want our users to at least slowly progress to using
more modern browsers, so that we as developers can start to use more
modern code? Its not a crime to mention to the user that they could
benefit from upgrading their browsers. Be it IE6 (Win)/Firefox/Opera or
Safari. The web has to move forward, as does web standards, and a lot of
browsers aren't web standard. We don't want to be held back by older
browsers. Why do you think Apple ditched IE for Mac in their new OS?
Mainly because it was a pile of junk.


Absolutely not, you should be making your site accessible to everyone

regardless of which browser/os they use and if you can't make it work,
make >sure it degrades gracefully.

Messages saying anything like that are entirely what web standards are


Get FireBug? "Get <censored>... Don't you dare tell me what browser to


would be my answer and you'd lose a customer. It may be okay for blogs

and personal sites but many of us do real business websites and there
are >>>still people with old browsers that have money to spend or need
access to information (be it Government or any other information).

If we take your example above, why not tell everyone not using IE 6 on

Windows to go away and get the dominant browser/os?

The question was a perfectly legitimate one.


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