Lukasz Grabun wrote:

Great, and left Lynx and CSS-off users alone. <i> is not depracated. <b> is not deprecated. Both have its meaning and purposes. span is perfectly rendered by all browsers but if you apply font-style: italic rule to the text you want to be italic when using Lynx I won't see anything.

Again, it comes down to why the author wants a particular piece of text to be italic. Is it to provide emphasis? Use <em>. Is it to cite a particular text? Use <cite>.

There are few situations (apart from the pure "I want to give some visual interest" ones) where an author wants italic just for the sake of it. In all other situations, there are probably more suitable, semantic/meaningful elements that describe *why* you're making something italic, and Lynx or browsers with CSS disabled will display (or, in the case of screenreaders and co, announce) them properly.

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
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