Hi All,

I have been using flashObject for some time now

I have heard that satay does not display the object until the movie is loaded also I have found it to be quite hard to work with, and flash object is soooooooooo simple

I strated a thread a while ago asking if anyone knew of / could find any draw backs of the flashObject method
no body had a bad word to say about it (the thread followed another tangent)

www.makepovertyhistory.org - is using flashObject below is an snippet of mark up from the site I have added comments

<!-- a container with alternative content -->

<div id="flashcontent"><a href="#">Come to Edinburgh - Click here to find out 
        <script type="text/javascript">
                // <![CDATA[
                // make a new flash object - path to swf, id of container, with 
of movie, height of movie, version of flash, background colour
                var fo = new FlashObject("/flash/feature-homepage2.swf", "feature", "550", 
"133", 7, "#ffffff");
                // a number of options can be added to the object here such as 
                // wmode can also be added - its really neat
                // ]]>


for all the dreamweaverers out there you can get a widget plugin for FlashObject

what do you peeps think of this method?

keen to hear response >> Sam

designer wrote:

Hi Erwin,

I always use a method suggested to me by Bert Doorn which so far has worked fine:

<object data="opening.swf" width="550" height="377" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
           <param name="movie" value="opening.swf" />
           <param name="quality" value="high" />
           <param name="bgcolor" value="#fff" />
           <img src="graphics/openingflashimage.gif" alt="" />

you'll note that you can put a graphic there for those who don't want Flash, or indeed you can include a link/prompt to download the player.

I like it because it's so simple, AND it validates xhtml strict.

Hope this helps . . .

Bob McClelland
Cornwall (U.K.)

Erwin Heiser wrote:

Hi all,

So far I¹ve been able to avoid using Flash but a site I¹m working on uses a
few flash elements (like a slideshow).
I¹ve been googling around but besides the alistapart article on Flash-Satay I¹ve not been able to find another method of embedding flash in a page so
that it still validates.
Does anyone with more flash experience have any suggestions?
(I'd like the pages to validate to XHTML Strict or Transitional)
Thanks in advance,
Erwin Heiser

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