Donna Jones wrote:

I'm not sure i understand what all the feedback regarding the background image is about either. it seems to me that the size of the html is what matters, its not like the page is dependant on the background. i'm half a planet away, n. U.S., the html loads real well, then the background comes in in about half a minute (i'm on dial-up, too).

Not exactly a clean user experience then. Particularly troublesome when designers rely on the background image and define colour for their text to be readable against it, but fail to provide fallback background colour.

in fact, i just found an official one, and its background is 185K. found another, 100K. another 136K. most much smaller but still ....

Zengarden is an experimental site, showcasing in many cases how one can push the boundaries using CSS. I would not hold it as a model for what should or shouldn't be implemented on a production site.

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
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