
I have a page at: <http://www.xert.com.au/workshop/p77ji/> where I have
used an isolated table to promote two products.
Would it be better to use 4 floated div's here instead? I've not used
that many in a row before...

If it's not tabular data (and it doesn't look like it), the answer seems pretty clear :-)

But you might get away with just having two paragraphs (or divs).

If the images are only decoration (they have empty alt attributes so must not have meaning) why not put them in as a (css) background and give the paragraph (or div) some left padding?

The only potential pitfall I can see with that is calculating widths - if we have 200px padding on the left, how wide do we make the div to make it 50% of "page width". (Yes, easier with tables :-)

Incidentally, going along with recent threads, the page doesn't quite fit (horizontally) at 800x600 (on my system).

Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
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