My style sheet contains this line:

.clearfix {display: inline-block;}

When I validate I get one error: "Invalid number : display
inline-block is not a display value : inline-block"

The word "display" links to
That's CSS2, right?

I then found this:  .. which says
inline-block is ok.
That's CSS2.1, right?

So, the validator link which points me to the error of my ways is
going to old CSS specs? Is that what it's supposed to do? What, so
that means I can't put a "Look at me! My CSS is valid!" message on my
site in case someone clicks it and says "Nyah, no it isn't!" .. ?

What have I missed here please? It's making my blonde roots show
through just thinking about it. There is obviously something
fundamental that I don't understand. I'm trying to use web standards
(notice how I sneaked that in so this is on topic), but the validator
is confusing me!
I do realise this is probably a very stupid question, and it's more
than a little scary asking a stupid question on this list, but I'll
wear the result if it means I can understand what I've done wrong.

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