> they are not anchoring anything.  <strong> isn't what i want 
> and <b> is deprecated (?), so what is the practice to
> "highlight" a word or words?

Using boldface or italics is the usual method. These are
semantically represented by the strong and em markup.

Other options might be to change the colour or shade of the text,
or to give it a different background colour or shade.

Underlining is a bit problematic in that it runs through the
descenders of letters that have them and can make reading
more difficult. It is a bit ugly to my mind too, as well
as being potentially confusing in a web context since links
are underlined by default.

As soon as you stray from em and strong you are probably going
to lose the "emphasis" of your text for users of non-visual
browsers and other non-standard devices that can't convey the
changed colour or shade to the user.

I can tell you are having trouble describing what
you want to do and possibly why. Is it possible
that you could give us an example and some context
so that we can understand a bit more?

Peter Williams
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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