Sorry gang for not unsubscribing temporarily. I hope I didn't send out a
truckload of out of office reminders.

I was at the Business Blog Summit in San Francisco. Microsoft had a large
presence; they even bought our support by handing out some absolutely fab
messenger bags.  Regardless of my ability to be swayed by super-cool swag, I
have a question.

They kept talking about a new feature, that if adopted by web sites, would
allow RSS feeds and whatnot to be more universal. I believe they called it
list extension.

Is this another proprietary browser feature or a schema for xml tags? If it
is a schema, how does it relate to the Dublin Core and the Semantic Web?  
The audience was mostly business people and marketing types, the last thing
they wanted to hear about was xml, schemas, and god forbid RSS feeds (Scoble
and Dave Taylor argued for 30 minutes in one session about full feeds vs.
abbreviated feeds... snore... Ford vs. Chevy... snore...). So they talked
about the virtues and left the tech a mystery.  

Did I mention how cool the bag was? Must like IE7...Must like IE7... Must
like IE7.... For some reason, this keeps repeating in my mind every time I
pick up the magnificently useful and hip bag.


Ted Drake

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