On 07/09/2005, at 1:50 PM, Peter Asquith wrote:

Al Sparber wrote:

I'm not evangelizing table-based layouts, although for real-world clients they sometimes are the right choice.

Presumably, in this case, the right choice is the choice that limits the up-front cost and training required to get to market? Surely promoting a questionable technique because it's easier to learn and gives almost instant gratification is a dubious one?

No, but if, for example, you are creating a site to run on a corporate intranet and you know for a fact that many or even some of the company's employees are stuck on Netscape 4 with no hope of upgrade (usually due to company policy or some such silliness), then should you still create a lovely, semantically-correct CSS-P layout that none of these people will ever get to see? Or should you create a simple, clean table that at least puts the content into the desired columns so that they don't just get everything in one long list down the page?

It's one thing to discount such outdated browsers when designing for the internet, because they are now such a small percentage and those users are so used to having a crappy browsing experience nowadays that they'll be happy as long as they can get your content (usually). But intranets are a different story, and when there's a sizable percentage of your target audience stuck with a browser that doesn't do CSS very well, you really ought to at least _try_ to give them a decent browsing experience.

Standards / semantic code / CSS-P layouts / whatever else you want to call them are just a tool. Tables for layout are another tool. The mark of a good craftsman is understanding all the tools at their disposal, how to use them properly, and how to select the best one for the job.

Just my 2c on this.


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