Geoff Pack wrote:
Some reasons for div-itis:

1. Columns. "table cell => div" is wrong, but usually "columns => divs" is 

now we are really getting into semantics. i began designing via wysiwyg and tables. when i made the change to html/css i was having problems with positioning and other browser quirks. i didn't really understand positioning with css. i knew i didn't want to go back to tables and i knew i could figure this thing out, but how do you get someone who is coming from a tables environment to understand how to use css for positioning? you need to relate to them in terms they understand and teach them the cross-over names for them.

for me, div=cell and viewport=table. i reasoned that with css i could put that "cell=box" anywhere on the page i wanted using css rules and i was not constrained by a bunch of other connected cells.

this reasoning helped much to understand in terms from where i was coming to get to where i wanted to be. to say what you did above is correct for some one who understands the language of css, but does a disservice if you want to convert someone from tables to html/css.

it was easier for me to grasp css when i understood the freedom i had over tables by using boxes and positioning them where i wanted with this epiphany. then i found out through the use of the float property that i could take blocks of content and put them together like a jigsaw puzzle to create my design.

my feeling is that if comparison language was used, many would see the benefits of html/css over tables and would be more likely to make the change, because they would understand quicker what is being done and how to do it.


dwain alford

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