On 9/8/05, Chris Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> . they should refuse to parse incorrect code.


The issue here is "what is incorrect code?" -- a web coder can serve up completely valid code, according to the w3c alidator, that is really awful (this, also,  is purely subjective). For actual scripting languages the same is true - a coder can serve up code from procedural hell but it runs perfectly. There may be global variables everywhere, a complete lack of business logic and no input checking on user supplied data but it could still do what it is supposed to do 100% of the time.

Judging what is bad but 100% W3C valid code is subjective - especially when it comes to presentational markup languages like HTML - there are 100 ways to skin a cat. Parse errors on the other hand are easy to nab, for instance missing an end quote in an HTML attribute or misspelling a method name in a scripting language.

The closest we are going to get to a "compiler" for markup languages is a syntax checker like that provided by the W3C, which is a development tool rather than something for the end user to mull over.


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