On 10/4/05, Felix Miata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've installed a lot of Linux distros, and surprisingly few install Vera
> by default, though they usually include them on the installation media.

Weird. I've not had a Linux install anytime in the past couple of
years that didn't install the Bitstream fonts. I have been sticking
mostly to "mainstream" distributions, though (see below for a question
about that).

> What I hope you meant to suggest was 'Verdana, "Bitstream Vera Sans",
> "Luxi Sans", sans-serif'.

I've really only seen Luxi Sans on Red Hat-derived distributions;
Debian-based systems often don't include it (for example, the laptop
I'm typing on, running Ubuntu, doesn't have Luxi Sans). Nimbus Sans is
a bit more common.

> It wouldn't hurt to include 'lucida sans unicode' just to be safe from
> the old W9x lucida sans italic, unless you expect normal line-heights,
> which you won't get from lucida sans unicode on doze unless you
> explicitly set line-height for it.

Good point. As for falling back to Lucida Sans, I do it because it's a
known quantity; it's universal enough that it usually avoids the whims
of the system-default sans-serif and thus provides a last-resort
consistency, but at the same time its ugliness is usually avoided by
the fact that careful font selection will almost always match
something else first.

> FWIW, FC4 apparently ships without Helvetica, something I've never
> noticed on any Linux before.

Ubuntu Hoary (haven't yet tried the Breezy preview release) ships
Helmet, which is a reasonable clone, but not Helvetica, and I believe
Fedora does the same. While I'm not certain exactly why that was
changed, I've always assumed that it has something to do with
licensing of the Helvetica name.

Out of curiosity, which distributions do you feel constitute a solid
"baseline" for Linux compatibility? Just as IE/Win, Firefox, Safari
and Opera represent a good test base for cross-browser compatibility,
I've been working with Fedora, Ubuntu, SuSE and Mandrake as a solid
base for cross-distribution compatibility.

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