Thanks all for your assistance!


On 10/3/05, Alan Trick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just looked at the page in a text browser (links) and there's a couple
of anoying issues.

1. This is not bad, but a bit of an anoyance. There is a notice about
not having _javascript_. This appears at the top of the page. I don't
think this is really neccisary. If you really want it, put it at the
bottom of the page.

2. The links on the front page for VBdoodle and Web Design don't show up
because of the lack of CSS support. Mabye this was intentional, but it
would be nice if you had it like it was for the third box or something.

3. The links for validation appear right at the top. I understand why
they're there (and it looks pretty cool in css browsers). I don't know
if there would be any simple way to have this put at the bottom for
text-browsers, but it would be nice if you could because they're not the
most important links on your site.

For the most part though, things look fine though. It sure beats most of
the sites on the internet.

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
> Hopkins Programming wrote:
>> @All - Still need suggestions on the WAI conundrum.
> Well, I think you should definitely put some descriptive text in those
> links, as my text-only browsers can't even see that there are links
> there at the moment. Don't think that qualifies for 'AAA'...
> Something like
> - 'learn more about wb doodle'
> - 'learn more about web design'
> would solve that.
> An 'off screen' technique will make it work with CSS off.
> .off-screen {position: absolute; top: -9000px; left: -9000px;}
> However, since such a link-text should also work as a substitute for an
> alt-attribute--with images off, maybe better leave the text on screen
> and use a variant of <>
> Should satisfy WAI-checkpoints and will work no matter what -- and may
> even be useful for visitors.
>     Georg

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