Thierry Koblentz wrote:
Al Sparber wrote:

With script disabled in IE6, the expression on the above page does
not work.

It seems to work fine for me,

It most certainly does not work. Look closely, the page is a mess to
begin with so it's hard to see.

I've just checked the CSS file and found out that the min-width is
done through padding on body, *not* through an expression. But I was
checking for a min-width behavior, no wonder it worked fine without
JS... Duh!
It's the statement on PIE "While this is a script, the user cannot
disable this type of CSS expression when disabling JavaScript." that
put my brain in a Jello state ;)
Thanks for trying so hard to convince me, now I'm *sure* it doesn't

No problem, Thierry  ;-)

But there is an expression at play there - not the best implementation - but if you disable script in IE, you will see the content wrapper get considerably wider.

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