
This has been discussed on the list before but the quick answer to URL's generated by PHP automatically  (like its session handler) is to use


See :

If you generate URL's manually using any script then it's up to the developer to insert & instead of &..


On 11/15/05, Alan Trick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Another issue: this may be caused by ussing sessions. When PHP manages
sessions using GET queries as opposed to Cookies it might do this to
your. What it does is appends &PHPSESSION=<w/e> to the end of your urls,
by default the & is *not* escaped. There's a way (in php.ini I think) to
fix it. Check http://php.net/session for details.

Btw, I think talking about server side processing is kind of OT on this
list, but if you have any more questions about PHP and such feel free to
email me off-list.

Alan Trick

Bert Doorn wrote:
> Tim Burgan wrote:
>> Just a quick note that'll help:
>> In the URL, the special characters (such as ampersands, question
>> marks, etc) need to be converted to html character entities.
> Question marks do not need to be converted.
> Regards

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