> the first, for example:
> <ol start="40">
> <li>
> <div>text info in here</div>
> </li>
> What do people suggest?

I'd vote for:

<ol start="40">
  <li>text info in here</li>

I think the specs should not have deprecated the attribute - breaking
up huge lists into separate pages is entirely legit, which means the
numbering is an important part of the *content*.

The idea that all numbers should be added with CSS goes against the
idea of separating style and content, IMHO.

I'd recommend using <li value="n">, but I'm not clear about the future
interpretation of the attribute. I notice it's included in XHTML 2.0
but the spec doesn't say whether following items should continue the
numbering from the previous value. That would be *logical*, but
...well, specs aren't always logical :)



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