On 12/15/05, Ben Curtis wrote:

>The alt text is removed from the element if the image is loaded. It's  
>a very simple htc that runs this code for each image after the page  
>   if (element.complete) element.alt = '';
>You attach it to the img selector in your css, or a more specific  
>selector if you don't want all images to be affected.

I can't see why you'd want it to have an effect on any images, to be

>I would assume that the blind have their browsers set to not load
>images. I may be dreadfully wrong in that assumption, but if the
>images don't load then this code has no effect and the alt text

Dreadfully wrong. Well, you said it, not me :-)

"The blind" have just as many varied setups and configurations as "the
unblind." If you take away alt text, you take away *critical*

Even if you target specific images via CSS selectors, I'd question
whether nor not it should be removed at all. After all - how do you
decide which ones to take away and which ones not to take away?

OK - let me rephrase that to be more clear:

"Don't remove the alt text - it is there for a reason and taking it away
is the opposite of web standards."

Derek Featherstone   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel: 613-599-9784  1-866-932-4878 (toll-free in North America)
Web Development: http://www.furtherahead.com
Personal:        http://www.boxofchocolates.ca
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