Hi Martin, thought you might want to know, further browsers testing shows that
#siteOption li a span {
        position: absolute;
        left: -1000px;
        font-size: 1px;

causes entire menu disappears in Mac IE, because my site holds up quite nicely in this browser with no single hack used, therefore I would really like to get it fix.

and this is the cure (without causing problem in PC' IEs):

#siteOption li a span {
         text-indent: -16000px;
        font-size: 1px;


However, Safari, Firefox and Oprea won't honor it no matter what.

Working on this site, I notice that there is an isue with class, span class specificities that the above three browsers wont' honor and which never happened before with other sites I did.
For example:

#content {}
#content p {padding: 10px; }

say, I wanted the last paragraph to have 20px padding-bottom instead of 10px.
I added this:

.lastpara {padding-bottom: 20px; }

It won't works (note, didn't test it on PC' IEs at that stage ), but if I change my code to :

#content p.lastpara  { padding-bottom: 20px; }

Safari, Firefox and Opera honored my request.

<div id="content">
<p> first paragraph</p>
<p class="lastpara">last paragrap</p>

Despite the lower specificities for class, I would think the world three most advanced browsers would honor my simple request without telling them specifically that the '.lastpara' is the child of the 'p' element of descendant of 'content' div.

But I am too fatigue to figure out why.


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