Apologies for cross-posting:

"@media 2006 Unveiled


The @media conference returns in 2006 after an incredibly successful conference in 2005.

This time there are more presentations and panels, spread across two tracks, and more speakers, including Eric Meyer, Dan Cederholm, Dave Shea, Andy Clarke, Jon Hicks, Molly Holzschlag, Tantek Çelik, Jeremy Keith, Andy Budd, Roger Johansson, Veerle Pieters, Cameron Moll, Stuart Langridge, Simon Willison, Ian Lloyd, PPK, Patrick Griffiths, Gez Lemon, Patrick Lauke and Robin Christopherson. That’ll do for now, won’t it? More to be announced soon…

To be held at the prestigious QEII conference centre in middle of Westminster, London, this time around @media promises to be an even more lavish affair.

@media, Europe's foremost professional web design conference, brings together some of the world's most highly respected web experts to talk about the latest major happenings, best-practice thinking, and cutting-edge techniques in the world of web design.

The presentations and panels will tackle a multitude of aspects of web design, covering topics such as user-interface design, web standards, CSS, DOM scripting, and accessibility.

The multi-track, two day conference schedule is further built upon to provide plenty of valuable networking time and evening activities."

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.]
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