On 05/01/2006, at 1:04 AM, Vicki Berry wrote:

The first decision to make is: is the numbering part of the content?
By this I mean does it have to be exact - if this is legislation then you may well have to ensure the numbers appear, then you have to write them into the content, rather than adding it with css. If this is the case, then a lot of your issues go away, as you don't have the issue of 'is at an ordered list or a table'. I think it is a table, however if you really want to make it an ordered list, I would think that something like:
<hn>Non Compacted Waste</hn>
<li>Trailer 1.8m x 1.2m or less (per wheel of truck or trailer)<span class="price">17.10</span></li> <li>Trailer larger than 1.8m x 1.2m (per wheel of truck or trailer) <span class="price">17.10</span></li>

span.price {
  float: right;
  width: 4em;
  text-align: left;

** caveat: untested **

would allow you to float the prices right while associating them with the item.

Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems
Brisbane, Australia
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