kvnmcwebn wrote:
How difficult is it to jump to strict from transitional doctypes?

Not difficult at all in most cases - unless you need to 'target' links.
- Take a Transitional document and put a Strict DTD on top. HTML4 or
XHTML 1.0.
- Send it through the validator.
- Remove any non-strict presentational markup, restyle those parts in
CSS, and validate as Strict again.
That's usually it :-)

XHTML1.0 _is_ a different ballgame in itself, because in order to be
called XHTML at all it should work when served as
'application/xhtml+xml'. The fact that we can serve XHTML1.0 as
'text/html' in order to "reach the masses" (through IE/win amongst
others), doesn't really change that.

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