On Sun, 08 Jan 2006 23:43:22 -0500, heretic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've recently put online a free visual form editor that allows the creation
of html forms without using tables for layout and I'd appreciate any
suggestions for the editor and the html/css code it generates.

Once I had added a couple of items it wasn't clear to click to the
next tab to view it. I would add a standing item on the left somewhere
"See how it looks"; and on the presentation tab "Edit this form". Just
to make it clear how to move between them.

I'd change "show table" to "show list of form items" or something. I
was wondering why we're suddenly making a <table> :)

I'd consider doing a show/hide of the advanced features like taborder
that the average user shouldn't worry about (better to have a natural
flow than a half-set order..). Just default to the minimum required to
generate an accessible form, with a "show full options" or something
like that.

Also; by default I'd suggest using widths in % rather than px.

Finally... how do you get the code? I was looking for something like
"get the HTML", or "export markup" or something. So I haven't really
reviewed markup/css it generates.

Hope that helps :)


- Good suggestion about the navigation needing to be more clear and the 'minimum required' options. - To the far left of the presentation tab (under the preview area), there's a link to 'View Form' but, now that I look at it, it's difficult to tell it's a link...

Using widths in % is a problem. I tried adding & and em into the mix but I couldn't find a way to float that many elements in such close proximity (especially when the layout had several columns/rows) without defining absolute units for their sizes.

I appreciate you taking the time to give me such detailed feedback!


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